Monday, September 30, 2013

A Brother murder


Faith Woyee,

A  Brother murder, by Brent Staples.

 ‘’A Bother Murder’’ IN this article the author Bent staples tell us about losing his you younger brother Blake who was just twenty two year old. The young man who killed him was only twenty four wearing a ski mask, he emerged form a car, fired six times at a close range with a massive .44 magnum the fled. The two had once inseparable friends .The argument began over a girlfriend which in turn lead to threats, violence, and to murder. The way two were living, death could have come to either of them from anywhere. They were raised in Chester, Pennsylvania which was predominantly black and industrial city.     

Staples left for college to achieve his goals to become a journalist. And his brother stay back Staples come to visit his brother only to learn his brother is now involved into all kinds of bead things, he try to get him out.  But it don’ts go the as plan his brother was gun down and kill. Losing a love one in such a way can be painful .but these days every time you turn on the TV there’s always a news report on how bad a neighborhoods.
After reading this article. I felt sorry for the author because he really wanted to help his brother to get him out of that mass he was in, but he couldn’t, and he’s feeling like he would have done more to protect him from what happened why he didn’t come sooner enough or earnestly for him. And blaming himself for not reaching him in time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          conclusion all around the world every day there are people in this same position .any time of the day you turn on the TV you hear news report on how bad a neighborhood gotten .today I feel as if people that live in those types of environments should focus more on future goals and education, rather than drugs, guns and violence. And losing someone isn’t always that easy, Staples goes over the fact he’s lost his brother, his cousin, the neighbor and many other residents of his area of his life. Losing’s of love once are the saddest thing that can ever happen a mother losing of a son or daughter it is every painful

Friday, September 20, 2013

Multitasking or mass A.D.D by Ellen Goodman.

Faith woyee

Multitasking or mass A.D.D by Ellen Goodman.

In the article “Multi-tasking or Mass ADD,??” Ellen Goodman states that multitasking, which simply means doing two or more things at once, makes busy people believe that they would be considered more efficient, productive, and more successful in either the workplace or in their everyday lives. We live in a time today where people are so busy with the hustle and bustle of their daily lives that they are trying to find faster ways to get things done. However, according to Goodman, there are many downsides to multi-tasking. Goodman, who is a Pulitzer Prize –winning columnist, argues that multi-tasking can come with a high price.  

While some forms of multi-tasking may give a small advantage to a very small number of people, depending on what the situation is, most people, although they may not realize it at first, are terrible at multi-tasking. Many times, when people attempt to multi-task, they end up not giving their full attention to any of the tasks they are trying to accomplish. By attempting to get more than one thing done at a given time, for the sake of getting things accomplished more quickly, more often than not all the tasks being worked on will suffer greatly. According to Goodman’s article, studies have proven that the quality of each individual task will indeed suffer, and while these tasks may be finished more quickly, the bottom line is that the work being done will have an amateurish quality to it.

 In my opinion, when someone accomplishes one task at a time, a greater amount of professionalism will be shown in the work being completed. Yes, it may take a little longer than multi-tasking, but I feel that, especially in the workplace environment, that a good professional job would go a longer way in the eyes of management than something that is just thrown together for the sake of getting it done quickly.

Another example of bad multi-tasking is when I am talking to someone on the phone and they would put me on hold to take a call from another party, and then I am forced to wait for an unknown length of time. It gives me feeling that the other person calling is more important than me. I find that rude and disrespectful.  If something like this would happen in the workplace, it could prove to be quite the giant disaster! More than one conversation, with two or more clients, for example, could lead to forgetting important details which are relevant to any one of the multiple conversations, which in turn could lead to a loss in business as well as put a damper on customer relations.

I feel, after reading Ellen Goodman’s’ article, while multitasking may be a bad thing, it could be a useful tool when a person may have a lot of work to do in a small amount of time. In my opinion, multi-tasking should only be used when the quality of the work involved is second to the amount of time needed to complete the amount of tasks assigned. I am sure that in the workplace, with everything going on at a fast paced environment, sometimes, but not always, multi-tasking could be used successfully. But, when quality of work takes first place over getting something done quickly, I feel that a person should complete only one thing at a time. Being a professional in completing assigned tasks will always show that a worker cares about the work being done. And I will always feel that quality of work, not quantity, is second to none.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What your supermarket knows about you #shopping #supermarket

faith woyee

            Sometimes, we all as humans gets engage in certain things or place. We get entertained by these things based on what it is and the benefits we can get out of it.for instance, the mall is one of the places that grab people attention because of the music being played in stores, the deals which the store offers, and keeping the environments clean.

             Music is one of the most beautiful tools in life. Every day, we somehow hear orchestra somewhere whither we like it or not. For example, when you enter in a shopping center such as in the mall, you hear lots of beautiful melodies bring played in every store. Songs that puts the costumers in the stage of shopping. As we can, the mall is a place most people happen to reserve themselves at while buying goods

        Most stores used deals to get our attention the sales prices. Many folks are attractive by the sales placed on the goods by the business owners. many way or may not agree with the price base on the some cases, if an item has a lower price than the other, it sure would be one can see , sales stages has an impact on the consumer satisfaction

          Lastly anyone can visualize a clean shopping center .keeping such place delight is important aspects, that  shoppers, aspects.  Elegant surrounding simply inviting these shoppers in. if the area is neat, a good percentage of them would enjoy their time being spent. The next time you go to a store make sure to take a look around. , and see how things are designed pay attention to, the littler details like what kinder of music playing in the background or if there is deal


Topic: for the Day Should you apologized for something you didn’t do just to get someone off your back?

 I personally believe you don't have to,  but usually when you're facing such a situation there will be some consequences if...